CBD University

How Long Do the Effects of CBD Last?

Whether you’ve taken CBD for the first time or you’ve been loving the results and have been dutifully building up the levels of CBD in your system—you might have wondered how long the effects will last. As with dosage and timing, while there is no ‘one-size-fits-all” approach, there are factors that influence how long you’ll experience the effects of this balance-restoring compound.

Whether you’ve taken CBD for the first time or you’ve been loving the results and have been dutifully building up the levels of CBD in your system—you might have wondered how long the effects will last. As with dosage and timing, while there is no ‘one-size-fits-all” approach, there are factors that influence how long you’ll experience the effects of this balance-restoring compound:

1. How Often Do You Take CBD?

It’s important to understand that, just like building up calcium, CBD has a cumulative effect in the body. So, if you use CBD frequently your body will build up a “storage” of CBD in your fat cells making it more likely you will love how you feel on a more consistent basis. 

2. Do You Take a Capsule or Use a Cream or Oil? 

Depending on which CBD ingestion method you’ve chosen will determine how CBD gets metabolized and expelled from your body. 

  • Topically applied CBD creams or oils are absorbed directly into your skin and digested slowly and therefore, leave the body slowly. 
  • CBD capsules must first pass through the digestive system before being absorbed into the bloodstream. Choosing a water-soluble formula will ensure a high absorption rate.

3. What’s Your Dosage Strength?

The amount of CBD you consume per dose and per day will also have a bearing on the duration of its effects. Once you’ve found that dosage level that makes you feel “just right” (whether, for example, using our original Relief & Recovery formula or our Extra Strength version), will have some influence on the time it takes to exit your system (and remember more does not always equal more benefits).

4. How Fast Do You Burn Fat? 

Your body is unique and everyone processes substances differently. Because CBD is fat-soluble that means it gets stored in your fat cells (as opposed to water cells). So, if you exercise regularly or your body simply burns fat quickly then CBD might stay in your body for a shorter period of time compared to someone else. Also, factors like diet, weight, and how efficient your digestive system is may increase or decrease the length of time you experience CBD’s benefits.

There are many factors at play that affect how your body processes CBD and for how long you can expect to enjoy its benefits. But as long as you choose a high-quality CBD product and listen carefully to your body’s internal rhythms then you’ll be able to get (and stay) in tune with your body while enjoying plant-based wellness you can actually feel.

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