Avoiding Sickness

Why Good Health Isn’t Just the Absence of Sickness

Good health isn’t the absence of sickness. Good health is the small, consistent actions you take daily that result in you feeling well, healthy, and vibrant.It’s easy to become complacent when you’re not experiencing obvious symptoms from being sick (flu, runny nose, aches, pain, etc.). But given the stress in everyday life, if you’re not proactively managing your day-to-day health, then sickness is bound to take hold in just a matter of time.

Good health isn’t the absence of sickness. Good health is the small, consistent actions you take daily that result in you feeling well, healthy, and vibrant.

It’s easy to become complacent when you’re not experiencing obvious symptoms from being sick (flu, runny nose, aches, pain, etc.). But given the stress in everyday life, if you’re not proactively managing your day-to-day health, then sickness is bound to take hold in just a matter of time.

So here is our cheat sheet of actions you can take on a daily basis to manage your health and wellness:

S - Find & Support Balance

Pick one thing each day you can do to reduce the impact of inevitable assaults from everyday toxins and support your mind/body balance. This could be through supplementationessential oils, getting enough sleep, removing toxic household items, or incorporating turmeric or CBD products into your routine.

A - (Get) Active

Movement is so important to our optimal functioning. But this doesn’t have to be hours lifting weights at the gym-housework, lifting and playing with your kids, walking, and stretching all count. Moving a little often each day does wonders for both body and soul.

G - Ground Yourself

Yes, life is full and prioritizing time to consciously and unwind to allow for complete mental and physiological reprieve is a must. Find a ritual that helps you gently close all those open tabs in your mind, whether through meditation, walking, debriefing with someone, or turning off all devices after a certain time.

E - Eat for Energy

How does the food you eat make you feel? Heavy and sluggish or light and energetic? There are a lot of different ways to eat, and everyone has an opinion on what to avoid, but listening to your gut is the best way we know how to make the call on what’s “in” and what’s “out.” Don’t overthink it, and do what works for YOU.


We believe there is no “right” way to manage your health-it depends on your personality, preferences, and beliefs. What really matters is the commitment you make to your preferred habits, routines, and approach that will support your functioning, and lead to increased vitality.

And not only will you be less likely to get sick, but you’ll also have true peace of mind knowing that you’re taking charge of your health and that you’re doing everything possible to enjoy good health more often.

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